3rd generations Automatic Hoof Wash system for AMS
NEW Bovibooster
The Bovibooster MK5 is our third generation of our system developed for hoof wash and disinfection in automatic milking robots. The system is powered by compressed air, directly from the milking robot compressor. The main unit is available as a single version for one milking robot, and a double version for two milking robots, placed next to each other.
- Automatisk vaskesystem
- Forebyggelse og behandling
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Sådan virker Bovibooster

Bovibooster består af:
Main/Wash unit
The Bovibooster main unit includes the electrical control box, the PS1250 pneumatic wash pump andthe PD2.5 detergent injection pump. Detergent concentration is adjustable from 0-0,8% with a 0,2%interval. Every wash cycle has a fixed volume of 1250 ml sprayed with 9-12 bars of pressure. Thesystem can be set to wash at both cow entry and cow exit
Care pump
The PD15 is self-priming reciprocating pneumatic pump for disinfection. Each spray delivers 15 ml intotal, through two spray nozzles, just before the cow leaves the robot.
Start signal box
The start signal terminal box connects the Robot start signals, the PD15 and the disinfectant levelsensor to the Bovibooster main unit. Start signals can be pneumatic or electric (normally opencontact).
Spray bar
The Bovibooster spray bar is special designed for the robot. It consist of four adjustable nozzles, twofor wash and two for disinfection.
Pr. påfyldning
Water: 1250 ml.
Soap: 2,5-10ml. (concentrated)
Care: 15 ml. (premixed)
Årligt forbrug
Pr. robot på standard program
Air: 170 Kwh/year
Water: 81,25 m3
Soap: 162,5 l (concentrated)
Care: 450 l (premixed)
Hvorfor Bovibooster?
Nem betjening
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Effektiv klovvask
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna
Tekniske specifikationer
Main/Wash unit
Care pump
GEA R9500 Spray bar
Start signal terminal box
Installations komponenter og dimensioner

BStart signal terminal box
CPD15 care pump
DGEA R9500 Spray bar
EDetergent level sensor suction lance
FDisinfectant level sensor suction lance
GDetergent container 10 or 25 kg with bracket
HDisinfectant container 20-200 L
IPD15 air supply exhaust valve
2Water supply:13/19 mm tube
3Start signal box:7×0.75mm2 numbered control cable
4Suction tube PD15:6/4 mm tube
5Level sensor:2X0.75mm2 numbered control cable
6Start signal entrance:4/2 mm tube or 2X0.75mm2 numbered control cable
7Start signal exit:4/2 mm tube or 2X0.75mm2 numbered control cable
8Air supply PD15:8/6 mm tube
9PD15 control cable:3×0.75mm2 numbered control cable
10Wash spray tube:16/13 mm tube
11Disinfection spray tube:8/6 mm tube
1224 Vdc LED bar:2×0.50mm2

Kompatibel med

Officiel tredjepart leverandør hos Lely
Bovi Hoof Care are official third part supplier of the Meteor system to Lely Industries. We have through a close partnership with Lely Industries created the Meteor concept. This concept is the all-round approach for optimal hoof health. With farm management to create the right environment, and then the 2 phases: corrective hoof care and preventive hoof care.

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